On 02/03/2021 09:28, Mario Emmenlauer wrote:


On 02.03.21 05:28, Allen George wrote:
Hi -

Really sorry if I missed the conversation about this, but it seems like
Travis open source builds are being drastically reduced. I only realized
this when looking at the ominous warning on the Travis build page for
Thrift. Counting up the minutes for a single push indicates that we use 500
minutes per PR (!) This is a serious problem, because as far as I can tell,

I'm not sure how much this is related, but I'm under the impression that
currently every build is starting from vanilla environment and installing
all dependencies from scratch. This spends significant time on downloads
and installations, and (what's almost worse) it often fails when upstream
dependencies are temporarily unavailable or changed.

It could be much better to have a persistent environment, for example
preserve the pre-installed docker containers?

I just wanted to bump this up again. I've not had a super lot of PRs in the
last half year, but I can say that every single one of them had failing builds
due to errors installing dependencies. Today my PR had 11 out of 14 builds
failing due to errors installing dependencies:

This is just basically useless :-(

All this could be resolved with a more "static" installation procedure, for
example with docker images that are updated only weekly. Could maybe someone
from Apache support help us set this up for travis? I'm thinking about
building the docker images from a branch only, and storing them in some
registry. Does anyone know if this is feasible, to get some docker registry
access for travis?

All the best,


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