On 28.09.22 09:22, Jiayu Liu wrote:
> update on this: I've tried to upgrade the java version from 11 to 17 in
> bionic but after doing that the :javadoc gradle task will fail with no
> specific details, making it hard to debug. i'm currently reverting back
> to java 11 which unfortunately suffers from a runtime TLS error likely
> due to JDK bug. This is an awkward dilemma, but I plan to resolve it
> soon...

Thanks a lot for your work on this, its appreciated!

In my humble opinion, as long as not both issues are fixed at the same
time, I'd rather go with java version 17 and working TLS. The javadoc
seems relevant but less relevant than core functionality like TLS.
Could javadoc even be temporarily disabled, just to make the CI happy
again? The broken CI builds are themselves quite blocking.

But that's really just my two cents! And of course the "best" would be
to have both javadoc and TLS working... :-)

Thanks again, and all the best,


> On the other hand, the --add-export error was due to xeniel which only
> has Java 8, but that param is required and only required on Java 9+.
> Since I'm proposing to move off xenial and onto bionic, xenial, even
> jammy, i'd like to see if we can just remove that specific task in the
> travis build.
> On September 16, 2022, jiayu liu <ji...@hey.com.invalid> wrote:
>> I'm trying to resolve the JDK bug by upgrading to Java 17 in bionic
>> build. The pull request is [1]. I also try to reduce excessive logging
>> in [2]
>> [1]: https://github.com/apache/thrift/pull/2662
>> [2]: https://github.com/apache/thrift/pull/2659
>> On September 11, 2022, yuxuan wang <yuxuan.w...@reddit.com.invalid>
>> wrote:
>>> So I looked into the first problem a bit because I was also annoyed
>> by
>>> the
>>> excessive logging. This is what I found:
>>> The excessive logging itself seems to be caused by
>> https://github.com/apache/thrift/commit/0aa108fe1ab921ef0371bcfffd3edfa8bea2cdc7.
>>> But that's not the root cause. It just makes the logs more noisy
>> when
>>> the
>>> tests failed.
>>> The root cause that caused the cross-tests involving ssl and java
>>> client to
>>> fail seems to be an OpenJDK bug:
>> https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-
>>> 8221218
>>> .
>>> I'm not familiar with Java enough to know if there's an easy way to
>>> walk
>>> around that OpenJDK bug. Someone more familiar might have better
>>> ideas.
>>> I also noticed that besides java clients, erlang clients with ssl
>>> cross-tests are also mostly failing. So it might be some issue in
>> the
>>> certificate we used in ssl tests that triggered the bug?
>>> On Fri, Sep 9, 2022 at 11:58 PM Mario Emmenlauer
>> <ma...@emmenlauer.de>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear All,
>>>> I've just seen two Java-related issues in the Travis tests.
>>>> The first issue is that the build is killed after excessive
>> logging
>>>> of warnings or errors. Probably, the true problem are the actually
>>>> logged errors, but I did not go any deeper :-) It shows here:
>>>> https://app.travis-ci.com/github/apache/thrift/jobs/582325440
>>>> The other problem is that gradle seems not to always start
>>> correctly,
>>>> with error `Unrecognized option: --add-exports`. It shows here:
>>>> https://app.travis-ci.com/github/apache/thrift/jobs/582325444
>>>> Maybe this is known, and/or somebody already looking into this?
>>>> All the best,
>>>> Mario Emmenlauer

Viele Grüße,

    Mario Emmenlauer

Mario Emmenlauer                                  Tel: +49-176-23463809
Balanstr. 43                              mailto: mario * emmenlauer.de
81669 Muenchen                                 http://www.emmenlauer.de

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