There are the situations, I could think about, where you would like to
implement customized classloader:
1. You need different hierarchy to load classes, as OSGi for instance.
Hollywood principle if you like.
2. When you need to run different versions of classes or jars. For example,
you want to load class A with version 1.1.2, while class B needs version
3. At runtime you need to edit byte-code of class and reload it.
4. Most obviously, you need to load class/es from network, default
classloader loads classes that placed locally
5. Dynamically create classes and load them on the fly
6. Run multiple java applications inside a single JVM


On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Ken Krugler <>wrote:

> On Sep 11, 2010, at 1:17pm, Ken Krugler wrote:
>  On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 10:31 PM, Nick Burch <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Quite a lot of OfficeParser does depend on poifs code though, as well as
>>>> a
>>>> few bits that depend on some of the less common POI text extractors.
>>> It looks like a number of our other new parsers also have direct
>>> dependencies to external libraries, so this problem is not just
>>> related to the OfficeParser class.
>>> The basic problem here is that the service loader used by the default
>>> TikaConfig constructor throws an exception when it can't load a class
>>> listed in a org.apache.tika.parser.Parser service file. The solution I
>>> implemented in TIKA-378 for the 0.7 release was to move the external
>>> parser library references to separate extractor classes so that the
>>> parser class could be instantiated without problems. Unfortunately
>>> this was a one-off solution that obviously hasn't survived further
>>> development in the svn trunk.
>>> The reason why I originally didn't want to simply catch and ignore the
>>> potential exceptions in the TikaConfig constructor was the lack of a
>>> good error reporting mechanism. The trick of insulating the external
>>> library dependencies to separate extractor classes nicely solved that
>>> problem by delaying the exceptions to the actual parse() method calls
>>> on specific document types, which obviously would then give the end
>>> user a much better idea of what's wrong.
>>> Perhaps the best solution would actually be to combine the above
>>> approaches, i.e. to strive to maintain the parser/extractor separation
>>> where possible and to use a catch block in the TikaConfig constructor
>>> to catch and ignore any problems that the insulation approach fails to
>>> address.
>> IIRC, the main concern about this approach is when people are using custom
>> parsers, where instantiation exceptions can happen due to bugs in the actual
>> parser (versus explicitly excluded jars). Quietly ignoring these errors
>> leads to late failing, which can be a bad thing.
>> What I would propose is two changes:
>> 1. Add a new TikaConfig(ClassLoader, Class<Parser>...) constructor that
>> can be used to instantiate all parsers from the variable list that around
>> found using the ClassLoader. For example:
>>   public TikaConfig(ClassLoader loader, Class<Parser>...targetParsers)
>>           throws MimeTypeException, IOException {
>>       for (Class<Parser> parserClass : targetParsers) {
>>           ParseContext context = new ParseContext();
>>           try {
>>               Parser parser = parserClass.newInstance();
>>               for (MediaType type : parser.getSupportedTypes(context)) {
>>                   parsers.put(type, parser);
>>               }
>>           } catch (InstantiationException e) {
>>               throw new IOException(e);
>>           } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
>>               throw new IOException(e);
>>           }
>>       }
>>       mimeTypes = MimeTypesFactory.create("tika-mimetypes.xml");
>>   }
> So after looking again at the code snippet I threw together above, it's not
> using the provided Classloader. I could iterate over parsers and
> catch/ignore errors to parsers not in the provided list, but that seems less
> than clean.
> I don't have much experience with classloaders - I see that each instance
> of a Class has a classloader associated with it, to mapping from its
> classload to the provided classloader would need something like:
>    Class<Parser> resolvedClass =
> (Class<Parser>)loader.loadClass(parserClass.getCanonicalName());
>    Parser parser = resolvedClass.newInstance();
> But that also seems clunky. Any other suggestions?
> As an aside, what's the standard use case for specifying an explicit
> classloader? I haven't seen this used in other projects, so I'm curious.
> Thanks,
> -- Ken
> --------------------------
> Ken Krugler
> +1 530-210-6378
> e l a s t i c   w e b   m i n i n g

Best regards, Oleg.

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