I think waiting for pdfbox 2.0.3 would be great. There are some regressions


Em 12 de ago de 2016 08:24, "Allison, Timothy B." <talli...@mitre.org>

> >> I know it's been a little bit since we talked about 2.0.  We had
> discussed holding off while some API changes that were under
> consideration.  Has any progress been made on this?
> > I think we're still trying to come up with a plan for how to allow
> multiple parsers to report text for one
> And
> > I believe we've also still got the issue of structured metadata
> outstanding.
> Y, I agree on both for 2.0.  Anything else that we need to get into 1.14?
> Sounds like there's a chance we'll be able to get PDFBox 2.0.3 into 1.14...
> Thamme, any interest in wrapping up TIKA-1508/TIKA-1680/TIKA-1986 in the
> next few weeks?
> Cheers,
>           Tim

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