Happy to chat. Please put them in touch.

I've been really impressed with what the POI team has done migrating
from ant to gradle.  On Tika, I don't think we have any special needs
that would require deep gradle knowledge, but given the number of
modules now, it will be non-trivial.  Also, I take Nick D's concerns

If there's something cheap and easy to do with our current build, great.

If we're looking at a full migration, have at it on a dev branch!
Perhaps we can put that in a Tika 3.x that requires Java 11...early
next year?



On Wed, Oct 5, 2022 at 3:05 PM Nick Burch <n...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi All
> At ApacheCon this week, a Bob and myself ended up chatting with the folks
> from Gradle, who are keen to help ASF projects, and are discussing with
> the Infra team.
> The easier bit - they think they might be able to help speed up our maven
> build, especially the running of tests. Anyone have some time to give that
> a try? Will pass details along to anyone with the volunteer cycles
> The interesting bit - we told them about the regression corpus, and they
> got very excited as it sounds completely different to most of their normal
> "my build is slow" type problems. The size of it, and the fact that it
> isn't a simple pass/fail, seemed to catch their interest. Anyone (though
> probably only Tim...) intersted in talking them through how it works, and
> maybe getting one of their team access to the VM?
> Cheers
> Nick

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