JSON is comfortable and easy, but something like this makes sense to
me. This idea could be easily extended to to request/response messages
as well. For example, the desired op ('eval', 'bytecode', 'close'
etc.) could be represented with a 4 bit group, etc. etc. This would
allow driver authors to do a lot of optimizations for better
performance. Python for instance, can use C extensions or Cython to
get huge performance gains working with binary data...

On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 6:27 AM, Jorge Bay Gondra
<jorgebaygon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to bring up the possibility to include a specific (as in
> non-generic) serialization formal for Graph data. I didn't want to
> bump the last
> dev discussion on serialization formats
> <https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/f27d5cad1382a57c91a4e6486329d9d2d0146a571dc66f973c9ee9c5@%3Cdev.tinkerpop.apache.org%3E>
> (I'm
> late to the party :) ) as I wanted to dedicate a separate thread.
> GraphSON2 and GraphSON3 have some nice features (readable, extensibility,
> ...) but it has some disadvantages, mainly around verbosity and
> performance. About Gryo, I think the interoperability issues with Kryo
> outside the JVM have already been discussed.
> I'm proposing a binary serialization format that is specifically designed
> for the types we handle (+ room for extensibility), with a compact payload
> and fast serialization.
> For example:
> a) GraphSON3: {"@type": "g:Int32","@value":1}
> byte length = 31
> b) GraphBinary: <type_id><value> (a byte representing the type and 4 bytes
> representing the value), in bytes: 0x01 0 0 0 0x2
> byte length = 5
> The serialization logic for each format is:
> a) GraphSON3: perform generic json serialization; navigate through object
> tree to read the type name; convert the string value to int32
> representation.
> b) GraphBinary: read first byte to get the type; move offset + 1; convert 4
> bytes into a int32 representation.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Jorge

David M. Brown
R.A. CulturePlex Lab, Western University

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