We might want to use TinkerPop 3.x to experiment with the "perfect"
serialization format for some distant future TinkerPop 4.x. We haven't
quite gotten it completely right with anything that we have thus far, but
on the other hand I don't think we'd conceived of the manner in which we
use IO today back at the start of TinkerPop 3.x. One of the bad things we
have going on is the proliferation of types that comes from coring our
serialization type system around Java. That would be hopefully something
resolved more nicely in TinkerPop 4.x, but I don't think there's much we
could do about it for 3.x - we're sorta stuck with supporting all the stuff
we have now. I do think it's worth taking a look at existing serialization
formats before building our own, like the one Marko mention in the link
initially posted in this thread, Neo4j's Bolt protocol, etc.

On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 3:37 PM, David Brown <davebs...@gmail.com> wrote:

> JSON is comfortable and easy, but something like this makes sense to
> me. This idea could be easily extended to to request/response messages
> as well. For example, the desired op ('eval', 'bytecode', 'close'
> etc.) could be represented with a 4 bit group, etc. etc. This would
> allow driver authors to do a lot of optimizations for better
> performance. Python for instance, can use C extensions or Cython to
> get huge performance gains working with binary data...
> On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 6:27 AM, Jorge Bay Gondra
> <jorgebaygon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I wanted to bring up the possibility to include a specific (as in
> > non-generic) serialization formal for Graph data. I didn't want to
> > bump the last
> > dev discussion on serialization formats
> > <https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/f27d5cad1382a57c91a4e6486329d9
> d2d0146a571dc66f973c9ee9c5@%3Cdev.tinkerpop.apache.org%3E>
> > (I'm
> > late to the party :) ) as I wanted to dedicate a separate thread.
> >
> > GraphSON2 and GraphSON3 have some nice features (readable, extensibility,
> > ...) but it has some disadvantages, mainly around verbosity and
> > performance. About Gryo, I think the interoperability issues with Kryo
> > outside the JVM have already been discussed.
> >
> > I'm proposing a binary serialization format that is specifically designed
> > for the types we handle (+ room for extensibility), with a compact
> payload
> > and fast serialization.
> >
> > For example:
> > a) GraphSON3: {"@type": "g:Int32","@value":1}
> > byte length = 31
> > b) GraphBinary: <type_id><value> (a byte representing the type and 4
> bytes
> > representing the value), in bytes: 0x01 0 0 0 0x2
> > byte length = 5
> >
> > The serialization logic for each format is:
> > a) GraphSON3: perform generic json serialization; navigate through object
> > tree to read the type name; convert the string value to int32
> > representation.
> > b) GraphBinary: read first byte to get the type; move offset + 1;
> convert 4
> > bytes into a int32 representation.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> > Thanks,
> > Jorge
> --
> David M. Brown
> R.A. CulturePlex Lab, Western University

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