Hi all, just checking in during the holiday period. My laptop will return
to the off position shortly, but I wanted to point out that we seem to have
a problem with Python:


every current PR seems to be in fail mode right now. We will want to sort
that out before release.Looks like something in radish. If anyone can have
a look this week that would be helpful as I won't have time to dig on it
too deeply until next week (which is when we are supposed to be releasing).

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 7:09 AM Stephen Mallette <spmalle...@gmail.com>

> While I think we could go on for every adding things to 3.4.0 I think it's
> time to cut it off and release. There's too many good things in there to
> hold for any longer. We are looking at releasing 3.2.11, 3.3.5 and 3.4.0.
> I'd propose we polish up remaining items this week, set for code freeze
> 12/22 and then build the release for VOTE the week of the 31st. I assume
> that there are enough PMC members around the holiday period to VOTE on the
> release artifacts. If the VOTE has to stay open a bit longer than is
> typical then that's ok. I'm happy to just do all three releases myself this
> time as it might be hard to coordinate with others during the holiday
> period.
> We still have a number of important things to finish - specifically:
> 1. code reviews on open PRs with ids > 1000
> 2. finish up the GraphBinary - jorge is adding two more serializers and
> then i think we can call this a day and put it up for review.
> 3. documentation review
> 4. anything else?
> As usual, let's continue to use this thread for release coordination
> heading into code freeze.

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