All PRs appear merged....I've starting the release process beginning with
3.2.11. Should see VOTE threads coming soon.

Separately, I already found a problem with using git shortlog to generate
the "contributor list" as there is no 3.2.11 tag to use in the arguments
given to it. It's a bit of a cart before the horse problem. I will come up
with something else to deal with that. Probably related to the website
which can be updated out of band with the release. Just wanted to point out
the problem so that no one would be expecting to see that content in the
release notes when the VOTE threads go out.

On Tue, Jan 1, 2019 at 8:31 AM Stephen Mallette <>

> I don't know what is going on but yesterday i spent a few minutes messing
> with the failing python build with radish and after a few failures it just
> started working again locally. Then I re-ran failed travis jobs and they
> started passing. I guess the problem was fixed externally - weird.  I
> expect to start the release process soon - there are just a couple more
> longstanding PRs to merge that delayed a little during the holiday period.
> On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 6:10 PM Daniel Kuppitz <> wrote:
>> A quick & dirty fix for the broken radish libs to at least get a clean
>> build in docker:
>> diff --git a/docker/scripts/ b/docker/scripts/
>> index e172ddaaa9..8b56cf53c3 100755
>> --- a/docker/scripts/
>> +++ b/docker/scripts/
>> *@@ -78,7 +78,10 @@* if [ -r "settings.xml" ]; then
>>    cp settings.xml ~/.m2/
>>  fi
>> *-mvn clean install process-resources ${TINKERPOP_BUILD_OPTIONS} || exit
>> 1*
>> *+mvn clean install -DskipTests*
>> *+sed -i 's/background=background,/background=background/g'
>> gremlin-python/target/python2/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radish/*
>> *+*
>> +mvn install process-resources ${TINKERPOP_BUILD_OPTIONS} || exit 1
>>  [ -z "${BUILD_JAVA_DOCS}" ] || mvn process-resources -Djavadoc || exit 1
>>  if [ ! -z "${BUILD_USER_DOCS}" ]; then
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
>> On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 6:18 AM Stephen Mallette <>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi all, just checking in during the holiday period. My laptop will
>> return
>> > to the off position shortly, but I wanted to point out that we seem to
>> have
>> > a problem with Python:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > every current PR seems to be in fail mode right now. We will want to
>> sort
>> > that out before release.Looks like something in radish. If anyone can
>> have
>> > a look this week that would be helpful as I won't have time to dig on it
>> > too deeply until next week (which is when we are supposed to be
>> releasing).
>> >
>> > On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 7:09 AM Stephen Mallette <>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > > While I think we could go on for every adding things to 3.4.0 I think
>> > it's
>> > > time to cut it off and release. There's too many good things in there
>> to
>> > > hold for any longer. We are looking at releasing 3.2.11, 3.3.5 and
>> 3.4.0.
>> > >
>> > > I'd propose we polish up remaining items this week, set for code
>> freeze
>> > > 12/22 and then build the release for VOTE the week of the 31st. I
>> assume
>> > > that there are enough PMC members around the holiday period to VOTE on
>> > the
>> > > release artifacts. If the VOTE has to stay open a bit longer than is
>> > > typical then that's ok. I'm happy to just do all three releases myself
>> > this
>> > > time as it might be hard to coordinate with others during the holiday
>> > > period.
>> > >
>> > > We still have a number of important things to finish - specifically:
>> > >
>> > > 1. code reviews on open PRs with ids > 1000
>> > > 2. finish up the GraphBinary - jorge is adding two more serializers
>> and
>> > > then i think we can call this a day and put it up for review.
>> > > 3. documentation review
>> > > 4. anything else?
>> > >
>> > > As usual, let's continue to use this thread for release coordination
>> > > heading into code freeze.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> >

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