2006/2/21, Costin Manolache <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > No. Bill gave a wrong answer. He ignored in the fact that
> java.io.tmpdirand
> > javax.servlet.context.tempdir are equivalent in implementation in
> Tomcat,
> > and that to be compliant, Tomcat has to make java.io.tmpdir writable.
> File.createTempFile spec says that if a dir is not specified, the file
> must
> be created based on
> java.io.tempdir - which probably means it must be writable.
> Expressing frustration and anger can be healthy for you and maybe for the
> community - but
> it can't change much in terms of time people have to deal with the bugs
> and
> the user requests.


Please provide patchs, solutions, code to review and not anger/frustration !

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