--- "Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nearly every PDA with that much RAM doesn't actually
> have that much 
> RAM... the problem is, WinCE itself uses up a lot of
> it.  For instance, 
> I sit here with my Dell Axim x51v with 64Mb, yet I
> have 29Mb available, 
> and I have nothing installed at the moment, just had
> to do a hard 
> restart last night.  That's why most of the JREs out
> there are trimmed 
> down.  There may be some exception to that, but I am
> not aware of it.
> Your right, there are some with 128Mb these days,
> and it's possible to 
> hardware-hack them up to 256Mb I believe, but you
> can't count on having 
> all of it available.  A big chunk of it is going to
> be taken up.
> Also note that at least with the Windows Mobile 5
> devices, there is a 
> difference between RAM and Flash ROM.  PPC's used to
> have one big chunk 
> of memory that would be dynamically allocated
> between "program memory" 
> (RAM for all practical purposes) and "storage
> memory".  Now though, 
> there really is two physically different things. 
> For instance, My Axim 
> has 256Mb Flash ROM, probably about 210Mb or so of
> it starts out free. 
> You can think of this as a hard drive for the most
> part, it's yours to 
> store stuff in (and the OS to a limited degree I
> believe).  There tends 
> to be enough storage space on modern PPCs to do Java
> and Tomcat and your 
> app, its the RAM where I think you'll run into a
> problem with.
> I don't know off hand how much memory Tomcat itself
> needs, but I'd be 
> willing to bet 29Mb would be kind of tight, and
> that's not counting the 
> JRE or your app.
> I definitely think you may want to consider not
> doing a webapp here, 
> unless the PDAs will always have net connectivity,
> then you could just 
> write a true webapp tailored somewhat to a PDA.
If you need to connect to a server like application on
the PDA use some type of a simple TCP/IP protocol you
write yourself to handle just what you need.

> The good news is that PPC programming these days
> isn't too big a deal... 
> C# is enough like Java that you can probably get by
> with it.  If you do 
> .Net, it won't be too much different than
> programming for Java.
You'd be hard pressed getting less RAM usage out of
the .NET Framework when you compare apples to apples
(application vs application designed the same and
doing the same things).  If you are used to Java use

> That of course means your app won't be
> cross-platform, no Zaurus for 
> example.  Dunno if you can get away with that or
> not.
Why would you even bother with .NET if you have Java
and a good modularized application.  At least with
java applications you can reuse some of your classes
from your desktop..beans and such.  Harder to do with
.NET and the Compact and Desktop projects provided by
Visual Studio.  I have even done this with Sun Java
and Super Waba...pretty much copies of files to get
the same with .NET if you use your standard
tools....have fun writing build scripts.

> Frank


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