Costin Manolache wrote:

By modules/ I mean mostly release units - so maybe a build.xml to create
build and package the module, some readme, manifest, etc.  Tomcat  normal
release wouldn't include the module, but it can be released independently,
for multiple versions of tomcat.

Look, if someone is willing to break the build it will do it
no mater what. Like said, having multiple builds is fine with
me, but having multiple builds just for the sake of some broken
module is not. If the module is part of the Tomcat, then there
can be no release if its build fails. It is just the same as
for the Httpd etc.

Also, I see no purpose of backporting the modules separately
to the previous versions. If we have a product, then we can
either provide the patch to the previous version as a whole,
or simply say to the people to use the current stable version.
If the patch will only relate to the module A, then it will
be treated as a patch to the Tomcat6.x.y no to the module A
for the Tomcat6.x.y. IMHO that'll be less confusing to the
end users.


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