Hello team,

Happy new year!

In my new projects we are going to use ARM based servers and Tomcat would
be one of the main software we will rely on.
I want to ask you whether it would be OK if I add one extra CI job so that
Tomcat is regularly tested on Apache CI ARM nodes.
At the moment there are 3 slave Jenkins agents for ARM builds used by
Hadoop and HBase.
I can try to setup BuildBot slave on one of them. Gavin from Infra team
offered his support.
Or I can setup a new Jenkins job duplicating the BuildBot config.

I've already tested building plain Tomcat on one of our machines and
everything is OK.
The tests are still running. I'll let you know if something fails.
I still have to test building the native libraries and see.

My colleagues have more experience with ARM (I am a newbie) and they offer
their help in debugging any potential issues in the future.

Any objections ?


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