On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 11:11 AM Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 23/03/2020 09:37, Rémy Maucherat wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm looking at the TODO list, in addition to some extra items. In order
> ...
> >
> > - Java 11.
> > I suppose Jakarta EE 9 will require Java 11, is Java 11 [going to be]
> > required for Tomcat 10 ? It could be better to do it in 10.1.
> No. It will be Java 8.
> > - Remove the use of system properties to control configuration wherever
> > possible.
> > I still don't see the point for quite a few of them. For others however,
> > using sys props was a mistake, example the facade recycling. Also, the
> > digester can now pull from system and env properties, giving full
> > flexibility. Also also, this is a handy way to do things in cloud. I
> > think we should target the ones which should make sense.
> For "wherever possible" read "where it makes sense to do so". My
> intention was to target those system properties that were targetted at a
> specific component and could/should be configured there.
> > - Reduce instances of setters and getters for the same property existing
> > on an object and its parent. This may require new objects to be exposed
> > via JMX.
> > Fixed enough ?
> From memory, this was primarily on the Connectors. That is certainly a
> lot better. I'd like to review things before closing this one out.
> > - Remove APR connector.
> > Is there still general approval for that, and is that still the plan for
> > Tomcat 10.0 ?
> It feels like a big step but I do think this is the right thing to do.
> > - Clean-up content-type header processing.
> > No opinion on that.
> It fixes an edge case bug. I have a plan for this. As long as it is done
> before things go stable there is no rush.
> > - RFC 3986 states (section 2.2) that a %nn encoded delimiter is NOT
> > equivalent to the decoded form. Provide an option not to decode
> > delimiters in %nn form.
> > Mark is working on it.
> I'm close to a patch for this but I got distracted with HTTP/0.9 issues.
> > - Refactor DefaultServlet to use Ranges in parseRanges().
> > I looked at it and I don't get it.
> > In particular the Content-Ranges header
> > (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7233#section-4.2) that uses
> >
> https://github.com/apache/tomcat/blob/master/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/http/parser/ContentRange.java#L75
> > The parser here requires a '=' but that should be a space in
> > content-range (ranges uses the '=' however), the example given in the
> > spec is "Content-Range: bytes 42-1233/1234".
> > Just wondering before starting to refactor.
> That is the response header, not the request header. Take a look at
> sections 2.1 and 3.1

Right, I had forgotten that. Fun stuff.
I hope I didn't break anything with that refactoring ...


> Mark
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