Remy Maucherat wrote:
> Mladen Turk wrote:
>> If you think its a PITA, don't do it.
> Apparently, it has to be done that way. I think it's a PITA because it
> does take a lot of time (every vote needs a few days, etc).

The bit that has to be done (ie is mandated by Apache rules) is a vote
by the PMC (three +1's required) to release a tarball.

Given that a -1 vote is not valid for a release vote, as soon as we
have 3 +1's from the PMC we can release. This means the release
process can be:

1. RM creates tarball, puts it on people.a.o or tomcat.a.o/dev/dist
2. RM creates binaries but keeps them private for now
3. RM calls for alpha/beta/stable vote on tarball
4. 3 +1's later RM publishes previously created tarball and binaries
5. RM waits for mirrors to sync and then announces release
6. Some period later we have a stability vote if the release was alpha
or beta

Given that the RM can vote at stage 4, only two other PMC +1's are
needed to release. There are usually enough PMC members around that
this vote could be concluded in hours.

Based on the above, I don't see why we couldn't turn around a release
in a single day.


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