On Mon, 2007-02-12 at 17:32 +0100, Henri Gomez wrote:
> > I would love to see a stable 6.0.x =)
> Tomcat 6.0.9 is stable for my usage.

6.0.x all have been stable for me, but I don't use many advanced
features, and no frame works atm.

> But, I'm not using facelets and others recents goodies, so my concern
> will be in which area Tomcat 6 is unstable ?

We don't have to much enterprise stuff available atm on Gentoo. There is
still work being done to get facelets packaged, myfaces, and jsfapi from
Sun. We have struts, but that's about it, and not sure many are doing
apps with it atm and Tomcat on Gentoo.

But I am trying to push as many as I can in the direction of 6.0.x, to
hopefully uncover and reveal any bugs or problems.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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