Rainer Jung wrote:
Jean-Frederic wrote:
On Fri, 2007-02-23 at 09:20 +0100, Rainer Jung wrote:
What is still open:

A Henri's core dumps on iSeries

Wasn't it only a wrong printf?

I doubt that very much, at the stack in his core didn't point to these statements. I'm still waiting for feedback from Henri.

B The other user with protocol corruption on AIX for worker MPM

Is there are bugzilla number for this one?

No, he participated in the mail thread started by Henri on the iSeries core dump.

C Porting 41439 from IIS to Apache

You want to remove sessionid=D5E2FE08F02400159DFD6231
11F98FEE.p-ng-ptom2 from /shoppingcc/img/btn_nav_main_login.gif;jsessionid=D5E2FE08F02400159DFD6231
do it with mod_rewrite:
RewriteRule ^/(.*).gif;jsessionid=.*$ /$1.gif [PT]

Of course I know, but you need to coordinate with your Jkmounts, so you need to duplicate your rules to detect static URLs between mod_jk and mod_rewrite. Anyhow the feature is not high on my list and I actually dropped it for 1.2.21.

I have the patch for that with new directive
JkStripSession On|Off definable per vhost


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