"Filip Hanik - Dev Lists" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > yo, > I've been in touch with the folks at Geronimo. > They use dependency injection, and have a suggestion on how they would > like the annotation processor to be able to be injected into tomcat > > Here is the email > http://marc.info/?l=geronimo-dev&m=117467149802844&w=2 > > Here is the proposed patch: > https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12354097/GERONIMO-3010-1.patch >
A big huge -1 to the patch. It doesn't really provide anything to Tomcat that it isn't doing already. And to the extent that it is doing things differently, it is only adding complexity resulting in doing a much worse job. However, introducing a catalina dependancy into Jasper is a really huge no-no. Jasper is useful, and used without Tomcat. To break this would require a very good reason, which this patch certainly doesn't provide. > I'd take out the word LifecycleProvider, and replace it with something > else as it conflicts with our own idea of Lifecycle. > > I'd like to get your feedback, this is a chance step for our two > communities to work together. > > Filip --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]