I tried switching the CI over to use Java 17 last night. This exposed an unexpected Javadoc behaviour that is currently breaking the 9.0.x and 8.5.x builds.

Ant is configured to run Javadoc with failonwarning="true"

When running the Javadoc task with Java 17:

- if source="11" (Tomcat 10.1.x and 11.0.x) no warnings are generated
  regarding SecurityManager use

- if source="8" (Tomcat 9.0.x) warnings are generated for
  SecurityManager use

- if source="7" (Tomcat 8.5.x) warnings are generated for
  SecurityManager use

I don't understand why the warning generation is only generated for older source values. It would make more sense to me if it were only generated for newer values.

Possible options:
- only use Java 17 for 11.0.x builds
- use failonwarning="false"
- something else

I'll switch the CI system back to Java 11 while we discuss options. I also plan to look at CheckStyle options for Javadoc validation to see if they could be an alternative approach if we use failonwarning="false"



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