
On 1/12/23 13:51, Christopher Schultz wrote:

On 1/11/23 14:45, Mark Thomas wrote:
On 11/01/2023 15:49, Christopher Schultz wrote:

On 1/11/23 10:39, Christopher Schultz wrote:

On 1/11/23 04:22, Mark Thomas wrote:
On 11/01/2023 01:47, Christopher Schultz wrote:

The proposed 8.5.85 release is:
[X] Broken - do not release
[ ] Stable - go ahead and release as 8.5.85 (stable)

The signature files required for a reproducible build are missing from the tag.




Let me see how that happened.

Oh, right. I was thinking I was missing, but I'm missing the detached signatures.

That's because I followed the "release process" page and forgot that you basically have to do a complete release, push those signatures to the tag, and then re-build the release from the tag. Do I have that right?

Should I cancel the vote and re-start, or let the process continue?

In theory, if you still have the sig files you should be able to re-tag without changing the binaries. If that works, I'd restart the VOTE with an updated tag hash.

I have everything from the release build still here, including these sigs:


So I think I can do it just by re-tagging.

Unfortunately, the branch has diverged since I cut my release tag. Can I use a tag as a branch and produce a new tag from that? I know the commit id of the branch just prior to tagging. My git-fu is weak on all this.

Or should I just cancel the vote and use a new release version?

It looks like the Release Process document should include this:

--- Create the tag
(Do existing tag stuff, up through but not including the "commit" step)

* Run a release build (ant release)
* git add res/install-win/tomcat-installer.exe.sig res/install-win/Uninstall.exe.sig
(or maybe this is covered already by the upcoming "git commit -a")

(now resume with the existing "commit" step)

Now, instead of resetting the local copy, you should just be able to continue with the release from that point, no? All the build artifacts have been completed and there's no need to check-out from the tag and rebuild the release.


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