
On 2/4/24 14:54, Mark Thomas wrote:
AS you have probably noticed I am working on another round of Tomcat Native releases.

We are overdue on switching to 1.3.x so I would like to propose the following with this release round:

- create a new 1.3.x branch from the current 1.2.x HEAD
- update minimum OpenSSL to 1.1.1

What about going all the way up to OpenSSL *3.x* with tcnative 1.*3.x*?

Is that too far?

- update minimum APR to 1.6.3
- remove code supporting OpenSSL < 1.1.1


The next 8.5.x and 9.0.x releases would then ship with Tomcat Native 1.3.0 but minimum required/recommended Tomcat Native versions would not change.

If anyone else is interested in dumping OpenSSL 1.x, we'd have to make some changes, here. I think only 10.x and 11.x could upgrade without ruffling a lot of feathers.


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