Yoav Shapira wrote:

On 5/22/07, William L. Thomson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If possible when new versions of Tomcat native be announced on list?
Seems Tomcat 6.0.13 requires 1.1.10. First I became aware of it, was
when user reported the problem. Granted I should have discovered it
before them when packaging and testing Tomcat 6.0.13 release.

Either way would be easier to follow and be aware of if new releases
were announced. Like is done for Tomcat and mod_jk. Granted I understand
both of those require vote and etc before release. So more of an
official release process there. Just not ideal to have to check download
area for new releases.

Thanks much :)

You're right, we should be better about them.

If the tcnative releases are not part of another voted-upon package,
such as Tomcat itself or the Connectors, then they need to be voted
upon separately.  The PMC has to ratify them as releases, like all the
other code we release.

On the other hand, if they are included in Tomcat as bundles and not
distributed separately, we don't need another vote.  Just a note in
the release notes about the tcnative version change.

It is part of Tomcat release and that shouldn't change.
Each tomcat release has a detection of the Tomcat native, and
it prints out the suggested version compared with the one user is

For 6.0.13 the required version is 1.1.8 and recommended
is 1.1.10 and that is clearly printed whenever Tomcat is started.
I'm not sure what more is needed.


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