> Remy Maucherat wrote:
> Yeah right. So to summarize, we have 3 committers who are happy campers
> (2 of them which don't contribute much, as far as I know), and the rest
> of the committers are either do not care or are unhappy. Most also want
> a change in the development process, and as long as there's agreement on
> that and it respects the ASF principles, we should be able to do that.

Bah. In neither angry nor happy.

My impression was trunk was going to be wacky new stuff which broke
existing api's and configurations with 6.0. Much like 5.0 --> 5.5.

In reality that didn't happen - we just got some comet changes. (I'm not
saying this is good or bad - it's just and observation)

Now we are in a technical debate between comet implementation between Remy
and Filips "designs". This has seemed to migrate into a personal attack in
a subtle manner.

Such is life when coding. Disagreements occur, feeling are hurt and email
is the worst method of communicating an emotional topic since words are
amplified. (Sometime on purpose, other times by accident).

My hope is this too shall pass and all is good again.

Personally - I am not very clueful on comet other than the basics. I'd
love to get the clue - but I can't find and work related projects to
justify the time. That leaves me out in the cold due to this conversation.
I feel any vote by me would be a bad vote because of my ignorance on the
topic. It seems others are in the same situation.

All that being said - I'd love to see Remy and Filip agree on comet and
remove trunk. It would be a shame to see either leave due to these

(Away for training in Boston this week (Kendall Square))

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