Henri Gomez wrote:
> So what about RTC for core and CTR for extensions in incubator land ?

Well see the result of the "[VOTE] Make released versions RTC".
We need 2 things innovation (on a common trunk) and stability on
released branches. That why I made the proposal "[VOTE] Make released
versions RTC".

CTR didn't seem to work on the "old" trunk and we have to prevent this
happening again, therefore comes the idea of a "RTC on demand".



> 2007/9/21, Costin Manolache <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I have a strong feeling this is turning again into a debate over words,
>> arcane details
>> and abstract concepts ( 'what is a trunk' and how to increase innovation )
>> The real issue is quite simple, and not having a trunk or all the new
>> process seems
>> more like an attempt to solve it:
>> We want tomcat evolution to be done by consensus or at least majority, not
>> by one
>> individual ( be it Remy or Filip or anyone else ) making decisions and
>> changes to the core API without
>> consultation and agreement from others ( and yes, most vetoes are probably
>> invalid and
>> bad - the changes are technically ok, and the veto is a blunt tool to
>> express lack of consensus
>> and frustration ).
>> The whole veto / remove trunk / personal hurt feelings / CTR / RTC / process
>> debate
>> is just a way to avoid this from happening.
>> Yes, we want innovation and change and contributions and all that - but that
>> doesn't mean
>> that anyone who can make a technically valid change ( i.e. where a veto
>> would be invalid )
>> should make it - if it affects other people and it lacks consensus.
>> That doesn't mean you can't add features ( to 6.0 or trunk or however you
>> want to call it ), or you
>> can't make big changes, or someone can block 'progress' or impose his own
>> vision of progress.
>> All those proposals evolve around how to involve more people in decision
>> making and be as close
>> to consensus as possible.
>> I personally consider tomcat way overbloated - so I think I'm on the same
>> side with Remy on voting against
>> adding any new feature that could be done as a plugin, and I would be happy
>> to see 'innovations'
>> in tomcat removed from std and moved to separate plugins, until we're at the
>> same size with jetty
>> or other containers in the base distro. But I do understand Filip's
>> frustration and the desire to try now
>> things - and this should happen, not in sandbox but in 6.0  tree, except not
>> in the core and with
>> controlled API changes.
>> Costin
>> On 9/20/07, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Will f/w board since this follows from the 'no more trunk' comment which
>>> some officers questioned.  Please don't cc per-say, but feel free to f/w
>>> a relevant response to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (it's bad form to crosspost a 
>>> message
>>> with both public-and-private destinations).
>>> Bill Barker wrote:
>>>> "William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>>>> All that said, the topic of "no more trunk" came up at the board
>>> meeting
>>>>> today.  I gave a very brief background and suggested that some of the
>>>>> renewed interest by folks who had been silent throughout the Filip-Remy
>>>>> trunk war is a hopeful sign; with renewed interest the project is very
>>>>> likely to be able to manage itself successfully through these personal
>>>>> and stylistic disagreements; the board is satisfied to see the project
>>>>> try to work out these issues themselves as long as development once
>>> again
>>>>> is encouraged.
>>>> TC 4.1.x and TC 5.5.x represented major changes to the core API, and
>>>> resulted in much more stable Tomcat code.  There is no such issue for TC
>>>> 6.0.x (just a disagreement on the comet API, which we have already dealt
>>>> with, and decided to let software-darwinism take it's course).  Thus,
>>> there
>>>> is really no reason for a "trunk" at this time, at least until the
>>> Servlet
>>>> 3.0 spec comes out.  If somebody wanted to make a [PROPOSAL] for major
>>>> changes to the core TC 6.0.x API, then I can see setting up a "trunk"
>>> again.
>>>> But there is no such animal lurking at this time.
>>> No doubt, these were significant departures from their previous code.
>>> But, are you suggesting that there is no need for trunk until there is an
>>> idea you happen to champion?  Present you with an idea that you like and
>>> half the committee might decide to permit new development again?
>>> This is certainly turning the idea of "show me the code" on it's head.
>>> To give an example oft cited on this list, httpd maintains a trunk.  It
>>> might be released some day as-is, it might never be released.  But it's
>>> a staging ground to prove up an idea before injecting that idea into the
>>> shipping stable version.  It appears there is no such wilderness at
>>> Tomcat.
>>> Sandboxes don't cut it.  It's very clear sandboxes are one-man-shows at
>>> Tomcat.  As such, they go against the concept of collaborative development
>>> and don't belong at the foundation.  If I misunderstand, and sandboxes are
>>> shared spaces for proving concept-not-the-programmer, and everyone is
>>> welcome at each sandbox to improve the proof of concept themselves, then
>>> my objection is unfounded.
>>> It seems the list wants very tight control on the stable 6.0 branch, so
>>> your observation that trunk is irrelevant hasn't jived since I first read
>>> this post (and I considered it's implications for a good 12 hrs).
>>> It also brings up a real question of why was it so important to 'kill
>>> trunk' if trunk, admittedly, is not relevant?
>>>>> But without reestablishing a method for the committers to innovate, or
>>>>> with continued/renewed territorial behaviors, this issue will likely
>>>>> be noticed again by the board a few months from now as an issue in need
>>>>> of a solution.
>>>> I maintain that there is currently a very small barrier to "innovating"
>>> on
>>>> Tomcat.  We had one innovation that was shown to have a big whopping
>>>> security hole in it, so it was withdrawn until a better patch can be
>>> made
>>>> (i.e. the system worked).  There were people (myself included) that
>>> would
>>>> have preferred a modular patch (e.g. with httpd, I can configure it so
>>> that
>>>> mod_alias isn't included with a few small edits, but the patch in
>>> question
>>>> didn't allow for that, which was the complaints).
>>> You are talking about one patch.  Has Tomcat become so pathetic that
>>> there's
>>> only one example of innovation in the past /x/ months to hold up as the
>>> one
>>> true example?
>>> Let's hope the rule systems that Tomcat debates and settles on reflect the
>>> diversity of contributions, as opposed to a small handful of exceptions.
>>> The fact that the rule systems themselves are being debated points me to
>>> really wonder if there is any code debate here at all, or nothing more
>>> than
>>> a clash of personalities which "changing the rules" is the simplest
>>> solution
>>> to getting one's way?
>>> In any case, the list continues to ponder what the meaning of the
>>> branches,
>>> sandboxes etc all are, and I'll step out of this conversation (baring any
>>> truly insane proposals) while the TC core community comes to terms with
>>> how
>>> Tomcat can still prosper, and lose the perception of being a fiefdom of
>>> the
>>> chosen few.
>>> Bill
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