Jim Jagielski wrote:
   [X] +1. Yes, the above works and addresses my concerns
           as well as the problems which started this whole
   [ ]  0. Whatever.
   [ ] -1. The above does not work for the following reasons:

My proposal was to put the principles forward clearly:
- core changes need to be discussed beforehand
- calls for review (or vetoes, which in the end are sometimes very similar) should be considered rather than exclusively spend time to determine if they are legitimate

[Your proposal generally has more constraints and is identical to Jean-Frédéric rejected proposal; great, thanks a lot :) My only (minor) reservation is the lack of real criterion for determining which patch should be discussed beforehand or put to review in the development branch, which creates a room for interpretation, hence some "artistic" feeling.]

Since you brought forward this reasonable compromise vote, I vote in favor of it. I will trust you to monitor the Tomcat project in the future [since you've apparently decided to increase your involvement in the project] to see that this is properly respected.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your decision and involvement. I trust you to see how to help resolve the little "differences" I have with Filip now :)


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