(I've heard this list is a good place to discuss mod_jk code; please redirect me and accept my apologies if it is not.)

I think I've found a problem with mod_jk 1.2.25 and Apache 2.x, whereby JkEnvVar directives are effectively evaluated too many times when VirtualHosts are configured.

The problem is apparent on a RHEL4 server of mine running Apache 2.2.6, with 17 name-based virtual hosts configured for *:80. I have 13 JkEnvVars specified, all with default values, in the main server configuration. There are no JK directives within the virtual host containers. By adding some additional instrumentation to the code, I can see that each AJP packet is constructed with ((1 + 17) * 13) = 234 envvar attributes -- the whole set of attributes is appended 18 times in succession. (Often this overflows the default maximum packet size.)

The source of the trouble seems to be in native/apache-2.0/mod_jk.c, in the jk_post_config function, specifically lines 2853-2879 of the 1.2.25 source. This code is evaluated many times for the same sconf object, as each iteration through the enclosing for loop has a different server object, but ap_get_module_config returns the same jk_server_conf_t* for all of them.

I would submit a patch for this but I'm no expert in coding Apache modules, and I don't want to speculate about the way these configurations should be constructed. If I should dig deeper and develop a fix, or provide more information, let me know.

Ian Ward Comfort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Administrator, Student Computing, Stanford University

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