Remy Maucherat wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-11-05 at 15:17 +0100, Rémy Maucherat wrote:
>> The candidates binaries are available here:
>> According to the release process, the 6.0.15 tag is:
>> [X] Broken
>> [ ] Alpha
>> [ ] Beta
>> [ ] Stable
> I am undecided about how to proceed with the release. The issues,
> although visible, do not sound very serious in the real world, so it
> would seem to be possible to release as stable.

Just checking through the release, we still have a licensing issue so I
don't believe we can proceed with the tag as is. See for details.

Remy - you commmitted the files originally so you are the only one who can
answer the question about their provenance. If the source was such that the
Sun license can be removed, great. If not, we can use the CDDL ones. I am
happy to make the changes myself but I need to know which way to go.


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