Remy Maucherat wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-11-09 at 20:16 +0000, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> Remy Maucherat wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2007-11-05 at 15:17 +0100, Rémy Maucherat wrote:
>>>> The candidates binaries are available here:
>>>> According to the release process, the 6.0.15 tag is:
>>>> [X] Broken
>>>> [ ] Alpha
>>>> [ ] Beta
>>>> [ ] Stable
>>> I am undecided about how to proceed with the release. The issues,
>>> although visible, do not sound very serious in the real world, so it
>>> would seem to be possible to release as stable.
>> Just checking through the release, we still have a licensing issue so
>> I
>> don't believe we can proceed with the tag as is. See
>> for details.
>> Remy - you commmitted the files originally so you are the only one who
>> can
>> answer the question about their provenance. If the source was such
>> that the
>> Sun license can be removed, great. If not, we can use the CDDL ones. I
>> am
>> happy to make the changes myself but I need to know which way to go.
> These sources can be found in the specification documents.
That doesn't mean we can just copy them.

> Geronimo
> should also have the same files somewhere.

I believe they use the CDDL ones but I'll check. I'll prepare a patch for
6.0.16 that uses whatever they use.


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