Rainer Jung wrote:
Filip Hanik - Dev Lists schrieb:
hi Rainer,
so to tell the true tale, isn't the story...

- You got customers on 5.5 using session replication

Of course, and that helped in making the 5.5 cluster better.

- Your customers want to move to Tomcat 6

I do hope so! I thought that's something we want all our users to do?
But: I didn't do OACC because *anyone* asked me to. I reflected the actual situation and I still think it is a good idea.

- You're not confident about the maturity of Tomcat 6's clustering codebase, mainly cause you haven't used it, even though it was originally developed in 2006. I would argue that the this doubt is mainly a lack of both usage and understanding

Yes, as I said I'm not confident in its maturity. No, it mainly comes from the fact that it is pretty young. Yes, it was developped in 2006 but it first got delivered as default with TC 6. And TC 6 is getting wide adoption now - but not clustering! As I said, I'm talking about experience coming from users and I expect this to need another 6 to 12 months to grow.

- So, to mitigate this, you'd like to use the ASF as the delivery vehicle for your custom code base to allow your customers to switch to Tomcat 6

So how should I interprete this statement? The terms "vehicle", "your codebase" and "your customers" make it a very insulting statement. At least I do feel insulted.
Absolutely not. My sincere apologies if you feel that way.
I really just wasn't feeling I was getting the whole story when you gave technical argument after technical argument without and claiming features were missing or removed, when in fact most of them are there and improved. even when it comes to documentation, TC6 is the first time there is a complete reference documentation for clustering setup.

so please don't be insulted, instead be honest. don't make claims based on what you don't know, make them based on what you do know.


But what are we talking about:

- "your codebase": its our codebase. If we had to find a single person for this cluster codebase, then it would be your codebase. As everyone can see from yesterdays commit, the codebase is nearly identical from the TC 5.5 codebase. I don't want to have "my" codebase. I want us to cooperate for a strong shared Tomcat codebase.

- "your customers": I get a lot of ideas from my customers, and yes they belomg to our community as well as yours. I try to be very cautious not to bring in very customer specific things into the Tomcat project. I was thinking about cluster users of TC 5.5 and how they could move forward and this is why I did port the TC 5.5 cluster. And yes, I know users who would profit from that. But the motivation for OACC is much more general. Migration concepts in the world of high availability need to be very solid. The Tomcat project (we) cancelled support for its existing cluster module from one major version to the next, without any early warning. That's not good practise in the HA world. So yes, I want to mitigate. I want to mitigate the fact, that we didn't do the right decisions with respect to cluster users when we dropped the existing cluster in TC 6. And I am very happy, that under the hood we didn't change the inhterfaces too much so that it is very simple to mitigate this. OACC was done in less than a day.

- "vehicle": The official Tomcat project is the right place to offer OACC and to care about migration issues. We only started lately to act more properly with respect to deprecations and end of live announcements. This shows the necessary awareness for the needs of our users since Tomcat is now the leading servlet container and is ubiquitous. And I'm very open here about my motivation and plans. Most of us need to combine business work with our community work. And the ASF model allows this. The questions w.r.t. doing the work inside an ASF project are more like: does it lead to the right result for the community? Do we work together in good collaboration? Is our decision process open? And yes: w.r.t. meritocracy you are much in front of me.

All in all I feel accused by the above formulation.

I'm ok with you doing this for those folks in sandbox, I'd probably would recommend that we not put this as an official release to Tomcat, as I believe our small group would do much better focusing the effort against the current implementation. Putting into a release means we would spend resources in the bugs that arise from the port itself.

The effort point is a valid point. For this reason I'm OK with clearly stating that OACC is a dead end. I already put some (probably not that harsh) statement in the release plan file I committed yesterday before our discussion even started.

Concerning official module releases I have a differing opinion:

- I will not suggest to bundle OACC additionally inside any other
  Tomcat release file


- I think it will be a strong statement from a responsibility point
  of view (a project asset), to provide OACC as an official
  separate release download. But at least for me it's to early
  to propose this, because I first want to get a clearer picture,
  of what will be included in OACC. At the moment it builds and works,
  but something we deliver needs to contain other parts. Not far away,
  but not finished yet.

I do have some comments inline too

Rainer Jung wrote:

Although I think that a detailed technical discussion is not the right way to determine the usefulness of OACC, some comments:

- monitoring: your reference to trunk strengthens my argument about maturity of code. Taking trunk code instead of TC 5.5 code is the maximum opposite approach.

- Java 5 dispatcher: I mostly agree. I got lost in the code. The code I thought was responsible was transport/PooledSender.java which uses a fixed pool of threads without queueing. I overlooked somehow the Executor with queue in the Java 5 dispatcher. Nevertheless there's still some discrepancy, because we added some aspects to the queue in 5.5 which are gone now:

  - lock fairness biased to the remover in order to reduce the
    likelyness of lock starvation
the LinkedBlockingQueue implements a two-lock algorith to avoid lock contention around simultaneous puts and takes.

Sounds very good, though Executor uses queue.offer() and offer() does need both of them. Neverteless I'm confident, that the j.u.concurrent queues and Executor are very efficient and stable. Using them may need some tuning, if my reasoning about primary and secondary functionality is right (bounding queue size, maybe more).

  - taking over the whole queue by the remover instead of
    removing item by item (again less lock contention paired with
    less context switching)
yes, that's a neat idea, question is how it compares against the two-lock algorithm since TC 5.5 uses a single lock, my guess would be there is a larger risk of contention there than a two lock algorithm

That's quite possible. The queue actually supports exactly this "take all of it" idea, but I didn't check the Executor implementation for it. It would increase thread to memory locality. But this is more performance optimization. As long as we are far away from lock contention, I'm fine.

  - limited size: Favor prevention of OutOfMemoryError over replication
    correctness in case we run into replication communication problems.
    Priority is always on the primary function, i.e. a working webapp,
    clustering is always a secondary function which should be as
    transparent as possible during normal operations
this is also implemented, and very accurate. default queue size is set to 64MB, and you can control what behavior to use when you reach that limit.

OK, thanks. Although the term queue size is a little misleading I agree.

Why is the default to send synchronous (alwaysSend=true), when the amount of outstanding messages reaches the limit? I have the impression, that for session replication once we reach the limit it's likely that replication has a problem and switching to synchronous then makes the replication problem a problem for normal response delivery.

We could go into detail here, but I would prefer to do this in a separate discussion thread. I don't think that those examples are big problems, and maybe they are not problems at all.
I do agree that JMX support is a major uha, but the other points seem to be based on not understanding or misunderstanding the current implementations, and I'd like to address those for you

The technical points: quite possible. The structural motivation for OACC: no, see above.

I want to stress once again my own experience, that a huge code base implementing a complex apparatus needs time to mature. Thus I think it's fair to not simply lock up happy TC 5.5 cluster users inside 5.5 and offer OACC as an intermediate step on the way to migrate to HA/Tribes.
knock yourself out :)

Quite seriously: here I've got a language problem, I don't know how to interprete this. Sorry about that.



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