>> Ain't those used for 5.5?
>> You can however just remove them from the build.
>> Other option is to copy them to the 5.5 and not referencing
>> the connectors for those set of classes.
> Sorry - should have been clear. I only meant in Tomcat 7. I didn't intend
> changing 5.5.x or 6.0.x

What's the state for Tomcat 7 ?

I wonder if they're allready some discussions/plans about it.

Not just technical/specs/RI plans but more generally what could/should
Tomcat 7 be ?

I could see that many projects (GWT/Eclipse), are now switching to
Jetty (which is great container also).

Did we miss something at some time ?

May be being the Servlet/JSP RI didn't allow too much 'revolution'.
Probably it didn't help/allow new peoples join the project and add
some fresh air & ideas ?

What's your opinion about it ?

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