Henri Gomez wrote:
> If i recall the tomcat story (10 years).
> Today
> Sun has it's own implementation, Grizzly.
> Jboss forked tc code in it's own implémentation for AS.
> Spring Source embed it in it's DM server.

It's disturbing that you fail to mention Geronimo altogether.  If we can't
have cohesion within the ASF - you expect to create it externally?

> That's my wishes for Tomcat, not just code, bits and specs compliance,
> but recreate a new wider commiters/contributors community.

It takes outreach to make that happen.  Mark isn't offbase, keep posting
your wishes here, but if you want to make it happen, engage these other

The ASF isn't about being the only code solution.  It's about collaboration
to create what the active developers determine is the best solution.  If
anything is lacking in Tomcat, address it, and work with others to address
it, but certainly don't spend your time wishing things were otherwise.

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