Ian Darwin wrote:
> Is there a policy on how we store localized files?

Based on the javadoc for the properties class [1] it should be
ISO-8859-1 with any characters that cannot be expressed in that encoded
escaped using Unicode escapes.

> The file java/org/apache/catalina/manager/LocalStrings_es.properties
> appears mostly to be ASCII characters but it has a few 16-bit unicode
> chars stuck
> in it, which then get interpreted as 2 8-bit chars because there is no
> Unicode
> mark at the top of the file.
> For example the file contains, on line 33, the Spanish word for
> configuration as
> Configuraci\u00F3n <- 14 characters including a null "byte"

I think this was the case for 6.0.18 but trunk has been fixed, at least
for the Spanish messages, by [2].

> I believe that Eclipse wrecks properties files in just this way if you
> make the mistake
> of editing them in Eclipse, but I don't know if that's what happened here.

I think this is just how the files were originally contributed.

Looks like we need to run native2ascii over a quite a few French and
German files.


[1] http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Properties.html
[2] https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=45447

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