Sharmistha jat wrote:
 Please find my wiki page about existing servlet proxy at :

 I will continue to add information to this page, please suggest any
changes if required

A note on the state of each would be cool (It seems J2EP is dead for example).



On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 8:44 AM, Sharmistha jat
<> wrote:
Thanks for suggestion. [:)]

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 5:50 AM, Costin Manolache <> wrote:
One suggestion: I think it would be nice to consider scalability - if you
have one tomcat frontend forwarding to 100 backends and acting as a load
balancer - you probably can't afford one connection per thread. Many of the
http forwarders I know use a blocking http client library - I think this
would be the wrong approach for tomcat.

To do non-blocking you will need to work at coyote level, and probably make
few enhancements to register your client connection with the same framework
- i.e. use the same Selectors or APR poll.
You would also need to implement a non-blocking http client - you can use
the nio/apr as starting points as well, but the code is a bit messy ( IMHO
). Or you could just start from scratch - use an existing non-blocking http

I have a small experimental async http client in sandbox, if you plan to go
non-blocking it may be worth checking it out (I'll update it to what I have
- it's kind-of-working ). But probably using the NIO/APR connectors would be
a better starting point.


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 1:18 PM, jean-frederic clere <>wrote:

Sharmistha jat wrote:

 So, now i would try to install a tomcat cluster and make a simple
servlet proxy [reverse] for it, then add in load-balancing logic to it

Yep thst is the idea.

+++ CUT +++

 I have studied a number of servlet proxies like  j2ep, noodle & Http
Servlet in past days.

Could you write a wiki on that? (Somewhere in

        i guess u mean writing wiki about proxy servlet
        will give my best shot to it, but would borrow 3-4 days for the

You looked to the j2ep, noodle etc, don't you? It would be nice to describe
a little how they work or that least their main features and the url to
there code if applicable. Just like a note on other existing implementation.
    Ok, will write a wiki on the existing servlet proxies, their
approach and working [thanks]



 And was puzzled about my intent of making proxy and its designing

So, please guide me a little bit about this.


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