On 16/12/2011 20:21, Antonio Petrelli wrote:
> 2011/12/16 Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org>
>> On 16/12/2011 16:06, Antonio Petrelli wrote:
>>> Please Mark calm down.
>> No, I will not calm down. The release process has been changed without
>> prior discussion and on top of that it is now broken for Maven
>> artefacts. That is not acceptable.
> Mark, everything's right,

No it isn't. If everything was alright, there would have been no need to
start this thread.

> good boy :-D

I'm going to ignore that patronizing remark.

> First of all, did you try to release something and it went wrong?

No I didn't. However, as a member of the ASF infrastructure team I know
enough about how Nexus is configured to know that due to [1] releasing
Maven artefacts via scp+rsync using people.a.o is now blocked. All of
the Tomcat build scripts are written to release JARs files to Maven
Central via scp+rsync via people.a.o. Because of the switch to Nexus,
the publishing to Maven Central part of the build process is currently

> If not, remember that changes might be rolled back at any time (though,
> sincerely, I don't see why, especially if you did not see a problem).

This is not a simple change to a build script in svn. Ultimately
anything can be reverted but reverting the switch to Nexus looks to be
non-trivial. As an example, the entire tomcat section of the repo on
people.a.o has been removed and would have to be reconstructed. That is
far more work than a simple svn revert. I am sure that other changes
have also been made. I do not know how much reverting all of them may

To re-iterate I do see a problem. The build scripts are all written to
use scp+rsync via people.a.o but releases via that route is now blocked.

The good news is that Jean-Frederic has indicated via private e-mail
that he will be fixing the build scripts to use Nexus tomorrow. I would
like to see him confirm that on this list but I have no reason to doubt
his word. A quick read of [2] suggests that it should be do-able in that

> And anyway, your attitude against Jean Frederic is unacceptable, in this
> cases you should remind that:

There we disagree. I think that Jean-Frederic's decision to go ahead
with [1] without community discussion was the wrong decision. That the
release of Tomcat artefacts to Maven Central is now broken makes things

> * Apache is a community driven foundation,

Exactly. Which is why one individual making technical decisions that
affect a project's release process without prior community discussion is
wrong. To repeat what has been said many times before at the ASF "If it
didn't happen on the mailing list then it didn't happen" and there was
no discussion of this change on the mailing list.

If the discussion had taken place on the dev list, the issues around the
current build scripts would have been identified and addressed and, for
example, we could have co-ordinated the switch to Nexus with the
necessary changes to the build scripts.

And if we hadn't identified the issues then this would be a community
screw-up that we could all share responsibility for.

You'll note that I have started a separate thread to discuss the
relative merits of Nexus vs scp+rsync. If you are aware of anything that
would indicate one is a better choice than the other for Tomcat then
please do contribute to that thread.

> not a private firm that will lose money if the build does not work.

I agree this has nothing to do with money. It has everything to do with
community. Part of the Tomcat community relies on obtaining the Tomcat
JARs from Maven Central. Based on how quickly questions get asked if I
forget to run the Maven artefacts part of the release process once a
Tomcat 7 release vote has passed, I would guess that a sizable part of
our community depends on those JARs. A direct consequence of this change
is that we are currently unable to make releases to that part of our

Currently we have no plans for a release but it only takes one critical
security vulnerability report to change that.

> * I think that you should recall the basic rules of personal relationship.
> Jean Frederic is a person, attacking him this way is *bad*.

If someone screws up, I am going to call them on it. If I screw-up (and
I do regularly - check the archives for the long list of stuff I have
managed to break over the years) I expect to get called on it.

Doing things without any on-list discussion is a huge no-no at the ASF.
I would agree my response was a strong one but I wouldn't characterise
it as a personal attack (Jean-Frederic if you read any of my comments
were read that way I apologise - that wasn't my intention).

> He probably made a mistake, however there are many ways to tell things, most 
> of them
> are kind.

Everything is relative. I would say this thread was pretty mild compared
to others I have seen both on this list an elsewhere at the ASF. Could
it have been milder? Sure. But when I see such a fundamental part of
"The Apache Way" - all technical decisions are made on list - being
forgotten it is very difficult not to react strongly. Believe it or not,
the first draft of my e-mail that started this thread was a lot stronger
and threw around phrases like "-1 veto" that on reflection I decided to
tone down.


> Best regards
> Antonio

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-4162
[2] http://www.apache.org/dev/publishing-maven-artifacts.html

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