Tomcat Experts,

The Servlet Profile of JSR 196 defines the use of the JASPIC SPI in support of the portable integration of new and/or custom authentication mechanisms in compatible Servlet containers.

The Profile is a required component of all Full Platform EE Web Containers, and we are receiving requests for the profile to become a required component of the EE web profile. To that end, we are contacting standalone and EE web profile Servlet containers to determine if there is interest in adopting the profile.

For those unfamiliar with JASPIC, the SPI is a general purpose facility that applies the concepts of pluggable authentication as defined by PAM and JAAS to the realm of message authentication. The Servlet profile applies the SPI to the realm of HttpServletRequest message authentication in the context of servlet security constraint processing. The SPI was defined to support complex challenge response authentication protocols, and has been shown to be an effective means to integrate portable implementations of new internet authentication mechanisms (e.g. Facebook Connect, and SAML WEB SSO) in compatible Servlet containers.

Does the Tomcat community support the inclusion of the Servlet profile of JSR 196 in the EE web Profile?


Ron Monzillo

More details:

The requirements of the profile are spelled out in chapter 3 of the JASPIC specification:

and use of the SPI is described in high level terms in the javadoc: which can be accessed at:

Support for the profile by a servlet container mostly amounts to making a few calls to the spi in the context of the processing of servlet requests. The pattern is basically as follows:

// determine if a pluggable auth module is configured for the current application AuthConfigProvider provider = AuthConfigFactory.getFactory().getConfigProvider("HttpServlet",appID,listener);

if (provider != null) {
/if yes, get the server side configuration provider that applies to the application

ServerAuthConfig config = provider.getServerAuthConfig("HttpServlet",appID,cbh);

    // for each request to the application
// get the configuration of authentication modules that applies to the request

    String authContextID = config.getAuthContextID(messageInfo);
ServerAuthContext context = config.getAuthContext(authContextID,serviceSubject,properties);

// invoke validateRequest on the module configuration; which will invoke the configured auth modules

AuthStatus status = context.validateRequest(messageInfo,clientSubject,serviceSubject);

    if (status == AuthStatus.SUCCESS) {
// Use the proprietary interfaces of the container to set the userPrincipal on the request // proceed to authorize and invoke the servlet request as appropriate
    } else {
// extract the response from messageInfo and return (it may be a challenge or an error message,
        // and will have been established by the auth module
} else {
   // do what the container would do in the absense of jsr 196

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