--- Comment #8 from Nick Williams <> ---
To address Jeremy's concerns/questions:

1) I don't see a security issue. JBoss, GlassFish, WebLogic, and WebSphere, for
example, all "automatically enable this for all applications." You say,
"Currently, that has to be specifically enabled by adding an agent to the JVM
or by adding special classloader to the container installation and enabling it
in a web application's Context," and I say that's a bad thing. It makes weaving
difficult to configure, and sometimes impossible in hosted environments where
the consumer doesn't have the ability to jump through these hoops.

2) I took some time to peruse the code on GlassFish, particularly 
org.glassfish.web.loader.WebappClassLoader. It performs no special security
checks. If someone calls addTransformer, it just lets them add the transformer.
That's all. It doesn't use a ProtectionDomain, and it passes null to the
transformer's transform method. JBoss also performs no security checks in its
code, though it does pass the existing ProtectionDomain to the transformer.
It's up to the transformer to use or not use the ProtectionDomain, but
apparently it's allowed to be null.

3) If a user enables cross-context dispatch (off by default), they don't do so
accidentally (they may do so ignorantly, but that's not our concern). Enabling
cross-context dispatch already has its own whole set of security concerns, and
I consider the possibilities with this minor compared to those other security

4) I don't have any particular objection to some sort of Tomcat setting (maybe
in that disables/disallows transformation, though I
strongly believe it should be enabled by default.

5) "How does this interact with annotation scanning and
ServletContainerInitializers?" All of this scanning happens /before/ any
application code is allowed to execute. As such, it happens before any code is
capable of adding transformers. Thus, this won't affect such scanning at all.
Transformers are only going to want to instrument classes that they use--that
won't be SCIs. As far as adding/removing annotations, the creator of a
transformer to be used in a web application knows better than to attempt to add
or remove annotations that might be scanned for by the container. None of the
other containers do anything to anticipate/detect/prevent this bad programming
practice, which wouldn't work but also wouldn't hurt anything.

Now, to address what Rainer was saying about getThrowawayClassLoader(). After
reading some GlassFish and JBoss source code, I've figured out what it's for.
Code that adds transformers to a ClassLoader may need to initially load a class
to determine whether it requires transformation (for example, Spring looks for
classes annotated @Configurable and only adds a transformer for them if it
finds a class annotated @Configurable). GlassFish implements this with a copy()
method that simply returns a new UrlClassLoader with the same URL and parent
class loader as the WebappClassLoader.

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