Hi Christopher,

good work for creating a script to build tcnative. Below are some 
comments/review of it.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net]
> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 3:21 PM
> All,
> I have a first-stab at a Windows batch script that can do almost
> everything. I've attached it to this post.
> OpenSSL, APR, and tcnative*
> I did all my work on a Windows 8.1 VirtualBox VM that I downloaded from
> https://www.modern.ie/en-us/virtualization-tools. So, if you want to
> configure a build environment and don't want to jack-up your own
> computer to get this all done, you can build OpenSSL, APR, and tcnative
> all without buying any software.
> When you are done, you can copy the binaries to a real machine and
> scuttle the VM. Sounds like a good deal to me.
> There are a few prerequisites:
> 1. If you don't already have Microsoft Visual Studio C++ available,
>    download and install Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013, which
>    you can find here:
>    http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40787
>    Note that, in desperation, at some point, I also installed the
>    Microsoft Windows SDK. I'm not sure if this is necessary, or if
>    either of these packages will be sufficient. In the future, I'll
>    untangle the web and post simpler instructions:
>    http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8279

If you installed Visual Studio, then you shouldn't need a Windows SDK as the 
necessary tools are already included in VS. (It would be more convenient if one 
doesn't need to install VS as it installs a lot of other components, but I 
don't think there is some other MS build environment - Windows SDK does not 
seem to include the necessary tools.)

> 2. Download and install Java JDK. You might be able to get away with
>    the JRE but I got the whole JDK because I didn't want to mess-around
>    with missing components (like header files).
> 3. Download GnuWin32 wget from here:
>    http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/wget.htm

I downloaded the "Binaries Zip" file version of wget.exe, but it seems to 
require some additional DLLs that are not included. I then downloaded the 
"Setup" version of it, and copied wget.exe + all DLLs that the Setup installed 
to the tools directory.

> 4. Download 7zip command-line version (7za.exe) from here:
>    http://www.7-zip.org/download.html
> 5. Put wget.exe and 7za.exe into a directory called "tools" in some
>    work directory. build-tcnative.bat will use a working directory
>    under %TEMP% for downloads and builds. You can also change the
>    value of the %TOOLS% environment variable in the script to point
>    wherever you want, but I haven't gone back to replace all
>    references to tools\foo.exe to %TOOLS%\foo.exe so it might not work
>    yet. Also put build-tcnative.bat into this work directory
>    (not "tools", but one level up).
> 6. Dump this text into a file called patch.exe.manifest in your work
>    directory:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"
> manifestVersion="1.0">
> <assemblyIdentity
> version=""
> processorArchitecture="X86"
> name="Patch"
> type="win32"
> />
> <description>A tool for applying diff-generated patches.</description>
> <!-- Identify the application security requirements. -->
> <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
> <security>
> <requestedPrivileges>
> <requestedExecutionLevel
> level="asInvoker"
> uiAccess="false"/>
> </requestedPrivileges>
> </security>
> </trustInfo>
> </assembly>

Ah, I now understand why you wrote in an earlier mail that this patch tool 
needs administrator rights - it does not include a proper manifest. Starting 
with Windows Vista, Windows uses such manifest to determine if an EXE should be 
run with Administrator rights (showing an UAC dialog) or user rights. For EXEs 
that don't include such a manifest, it cannot know whether it should run as 
administrator, so it checks the filename for patterns like "setup", "install", 
"patch", "update" etc.

So, you should be fine by renaming "patch.txt" to something like "pt.exe" - it 
will make the UAC symbol on the file go away, and it will run without 
administrator rights.

> 7. Launch cmd.exe and run VC++'s vcvars32.bat script or, better yet,
>    launch the cmd.exe config that gets installed when you install
>    VC++.
> 8. Change to the directory containing your "tools" directory from step
>    5, then run build-tcnative.bat.

I think there are some problems with this BAT file.

1) I think you unintentionally used double-quotes on several places where 
normally they shouldn't be, e.g. for setting environment variables:
SET MYTEMP="%TEMP%\build-tcnative"

Note, that in CMD.EXE, the SET command includes everything after the =, so the 
double quotes are actually included in the environment variable. This could 
cause problems if concatenating it with some command; however, cmd.exe seems to 
accept commands like '"C:\Windows\system32"\calc.exe'; but it would be better 
to correctly set the environment variables.

2) When I run tcnative.dll from a CMD.exe that has run VC++'s vcvars32.bat, 
then I get a problem when downloading patch.exe. This seems because the URL 
that is included in the bat file 
 leads to a HTML page which generates a download link, instead of actually 
downloading the EXE file.

It seems to work if I use a URL like 
 but I need to insert a 'md "%myTemp%\downloads' command to create the 
directory; otherwise wget seems unable to download it.

3) There also seems to be something wrong with this command:
mt.exe -manifest "%MYTEMPpatch.exe.manifest 
I think it should be something like:
mt.exe -manifest "patch.exe.manifest "-outputresource:%TOOLS%\patch.exe;#1"

4) The script seems to require perl.exe (you did not mention this in your mail 
I have not yet tried to run it with perl installed, as I get an error that 
patch.exe cannot find "apr-1.5.patch".

Regarding the dependency to wget.exe, I think that can be avoided by making a 
Powershell Script (as said earlier) as it allows to directly download a file 
from command line. I think this also will make the script easier to write as 
you can write more in the style of an programming/scripting language instead of 
Windows/DOS commands.

I can look about creating a Powershell version of the script if you have 
finished it. What do you think?

> On my VM, the build gets as far as linking tcnative before it fails. It
> fails because I haven't copied the artifacts for APR to the right
> places, yet.
> Hopefully, this will be enough to get some other folks started who are
> waiting for an update to tcnative-1.1.30 that includes OpenSSL 1.0.1h.
> Enjoy,
> -chris

One other thing: Do you know which version of VC++ was used to date to build 
Tomcat Native? If I open it with some EXE inspection tools, I can see that it 
has a dependency to msvcrt.dll, which seems like an older version of VC++ 
(maybe VC++ 6.0 which is a really old version - but I'm not sure).
I don't know much about building native (C/C++) apps; however if I create a C++ 
DLL with Visual Studio 2013, then the DLL has a dependency to msvcr120.dll, 
which maybe is not included by default in Windows (at least not in earlier 
versions of Windows like Windows 7/2008R2).

I don't know if it is possible to change the dependency to the older msvcrt.dll 
or include the DLL in the build; but if not, then maybe users will need to 
install a "Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013" package 
[1], like PHP does this on their Windows binaries site [2].

[1] http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784
[2] http://windows.php.net/download/

Konstantin Preißer

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