--- Comment #4 from Justin Cranford <> ---
The patch sounds great. Three small suggestions to make it just a little

1) Can you add a debug message to show positive matches? Logging negative
matches is very useful since Tomcat's configuration uses exclusion filters, but
in hindsight I think showing the positive matches too gives the developer more
visibility into how many jars contain newer servlet 3.0 pieces. For example, if
they notice multiple jars with fragments but offering similar functionality,
they could decide to refactor their application to eliminate a few of those
jars for a little more start up performance.

2) Is it possible to log a message at the end of scanning to show
positive/negative match totals? I would recommend warning log level if either
negative match total is >0, otherwise info or debug level. A warning seems
appropriate here since unnecessary jar scanning has such a huge negative impact
on startup performance. It would not overwhelm a new user, it gives them
valuable feedback to optimize startup times using your new debug messages, and
it would disappear automatically after they add all the necessary exclusion

3) If you just added 1) and 2) that would be more than enough. However, you
could go a step further and use your code to identify common jar files that
should be filtered. If you added some of them to the default exclusion filters
in then new users would get greater performance out of
default installs.

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