Hi there!

> You still need to address the issue of a unique name for the JASPIC app
> context.

I see your point. However, tomcat's implementation of uniqueness is against
JASPIC 1.1 specification. We must somehow document this feature.

> > 1) I have prepared mechanism for registration embedded JASPIC modules
> > 2) Callback handler is singleton now
> > 3) Implemented JAAS Subject's support (it turned out, that it is
> mandatory).
> > 4) BASIC and DIGEST authenticators has been ported to JASPIC
> > I think these modules need to be carefully refactored though, then I will
> > prepare some tests.
> Why do you think these modules need to be refactored? Given the security
> nature of this code and that what you have currently is largely copied
> directly from the existing implementations, I'd be wary of making any
> changes without a good reason for doing so.

Yes, we must be very careful with security implementations. However, I
would decouple JASPIC code from authentication algorithms and put them into
separate classes.

> 5) Fixed some bugs in implementation, such as lack of session caching
> > 6) Currently, I am working on some javadoc's, but I'll commit them later.
> Remember, little and often is better than a few larger code dumps. The
> recent commits have been fine but I would prefer to see 1 or 2 commits a
> day rather than a batch of 10+ commits once a week.

I agree, however I was intensively using rebase and squashing for commit
rewriting in order to get "feature per commit". I think it depends on
architectural tasks - currently we have architectural stuff done, so next
commits will require less rewriting.

> 1) I need some convenient way to get user roles from Realm. I assume, that
> > every Principal is GenericPrincipal, but I guess that's not right.
> What for? The best way to handle this depends on why/where that
> information is needed.

I need this info in order to construct GenericPrincipal using callbacks.
Currently, Realm is returning GenericPrincipal, however, implementation is
hidden behind Principal interface. I need to do casting to get
GenericPrincipal object, because Principal doesn't have getRoles() method.

> > 2) We need find a easy way for configuring embedded JASPIC modules. For
> > example, form authentication requires login page and error page. I think
> > that these parameters can be passed to JASPIC provider directly, but I'm
> > not sure.
> Currently the ContextConfig registers a new TomcatAuthConfigProvider for
> each web application.
> The TomcatAuthConfigProvider creates (lazily) a TomcatAuthConfig.
> The TomcatAuthConfig creates (lazily) TomcatServerAuthContext with all
> available modules.
> The TomcatAuthConfig then looks up the authentication type obtained from
> the request and maps it to the right module.
> Initialising all the modules when - typically - only one is required
> looks wrong to me. I'd expect the ContextConfig to specify (possibly
> even create and configure) the required modules and pass those to the
> TomcatAuthConfigProvider instance for the web application.

Yes, I agree, that it's better solution. I am not sure about constructing
auth modules in ContextConfig. May be we can pass LoginConfig info into
provider, and construct modules inside.


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