Hi all

>From my observation in this list and some couple of ASF projects, you are 
>absolutely right.  ASF projects long term success is heavily related with the 
>healthy project community and their consensus 
>(https://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html ). Projects must not be 
>controlled and developed by anybody or any commercial organization. For 
>example, look at the Apache Geronimo current state which was controlled and 
>mostly developed by the commercial organization but now tin the stage of going 
>to attic.
so more Apache way please (http://theapacheway.com/)


    On Wednesday, June 28, 2017 3:14 AM, Andy Gumbrecht 
<agumbre...@tomitribe.com> wrote:

 I'm writing this on the public dev list as there seems to be inaction on
the private list regarding the preservation and nurturing of contributions
to the TomEE project. I hope this serves as an entry into a public
discussion on how to improve or resolve the situation.

This evening (and late into the night) I was working in my free time
together with another contributor in an effort to improve the currently
very poor TomEE website. This work was offsite, and being pushed to staging
for peer review.

It became apparent that another committer deemed it in some way acceptable
to trash this effort 'during' this work without any collaboration simply
because they disagree with some of the changes, even when those changes had
not been finalised. The existence and state of the JIRA ticket was
completely disregarded by this committer.

This is not the first time that a committer has performed such arrogant and
destructive actions on other peoples contributions to the project. Such
actions are always extremely disrespectful at a personal level. This is of
course reflected by the state of the community that currently feels void of
any participation specifically due to this kind of mobbing. It has become
virtually impossible for contributors to perform any work on the project
without almost instant negative, rather than positive or nurturing, input
at every level (even documentation). I know of several potential
contributors who have avoided the project due to this currently very
predictable attitude. It has in fact almost become a joke within other

Maybe speaking for others, it is no secret that some committers do not get
along with others due to these reasons. However, I do value the immense
contribution by every committer to the TomEE project and understand each
individuals value and rights to and on the project. This does not mean that
one individual is the owner of this project (we all are) and has the right
to overwrite or trash other peoples work in progress, no one should ever
have that sole right. Well actually we all do, and this seems to be the
fundamental problem.

We desperately need to instigate some measures to prevent the further
demise of the TomEE community by individuals that seem intent on breaking
it for reasons that go beyond me (well actually they don't, but that's
another story). I believe that there was a past discussion on introducing a
2 or 3 plus one workflow into the the project, whereby all commits must
undergo a peer review. This may somewhat stifle rapid development, but on
the other hand it would ensure that commits are stable and not open to
trashing by others.

Given that the current JIRA practice is now to commit before creating the
actual issue (which has been encouraged by the overly aggressive
environment), the peer review system would also return that process back to
a normal and acceptable state. Therefore I would like to suggest we begin
taking the necessary steps for the introduction of this process.

Looking forward to some candid responses.

Best regards,


  Andy Gumbrecht


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