Openjpa needs xbean upgrade but should be quick. Cxf stack needs some jaxb
upgrades from memory. After the stack "supports" java11 as "run it" but
think no spec in EE is java >= 9 compatible (modules, spi etc).

Should be enough for tomee that said.

Le jeu. 8 nov. 2018 20:27, Jean-Louis Monteiro <jlmonte...@tomitribe.com> a
écrit :

> Hey TomEE lovers,
> I would like to push the Java 11 support forward.
> I tried to gather information here and there. Here is a status with my
> view. Please, lemme know if you have further updates or any additional
> information.
> XBean: ready and released
> OWB: ready and released
> TomEE itself (OpenEJB and other integration): ready but not released yet
> OpenJPA: not clear, but looks like there is still some work to be done
> CXF: ready and released
> MyFaces, ActiveMQ, EclipseLink, Mojorra: unknown
> Tomcat: ready and released
> Are we on the same page?
> I propose to reach out to communities when libraries are not yet ready or
> released and see how we can help.
> Thoughts?
> --
> Jean-Louis Monteiro
> http://twitter.com/jlouismonteiro
> http://www.tomitribe.com

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