> On Dec 3, 2018, at 1:46 AM, Matthew Broadhead 
> <matthew.broadh...@nbmlaw.co.uk.INVALID> wrote:
> I would be happy to do this task.  But how to avoid conflicting PRs?

I think we need someone to volunteer to take the head and coordinate.  This 
could be grouping the docs up and filing a few JIRAs.

Maybe something like this:  

> On Dec 3, 2018, at 7:48 AM, Matthew Broadhead 
> <matthew.broadh...@nbmlaw.co.uk.INVALID> wrote:
> also i was looking through the JBake docs and it is possible to define tags 
> on pages.  this might be useful where a page is relevant to more than one 
> index?

We could certainly do that.  I did the same digging and found the code JBake 
uses to get the tags and used it to generate the indexes we have:


You're absolutely correct that we could really have many different kinds of 
tags.  Heck, there could be a "suggested" tag that suggests other examples to 
try.  There could be a "related" tag that points at other key docs.

Another idea for either the tags or template or both is that we really should 
somehow link the examples zip on each examples page.

 - http://archive.apache.org/dist/tomee/tomee-8.0.0-M1/examples-8.0.0-M1-src.zip

It would also be cool to restore the Javadoc links, see the "APIs Used" section 
at the bottom:

 - http://tomee.apache.org/examples-trunk/simple-webservice/README.html

Effectively I was using Perl to "grep" the imports and look for javax uses then 
creating links to the javadoc.  Heck, now that Jakarta EE is open source, we 
could even be publishing that javadoc right on the TomEE site.  We could do 
that for MicroProfile as well which currently isn't being published anywhere 
and could drive value into our website.  We would publish the exact versions 
that are used by that version of TomEE.

>> On 03/12/18 11:25, Matthew Broadhead wrote:
>>> Should the licence be stored centrally and appended to the top (or bottom) 
>>> of each page?

We'd have to do some experimenting to see how adding license headers would 
affect the JBake generation.


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