Here is an excellent article on how to filter for reviews that are required
but not yet done.

Here is another article on doing a review

On Mon, May 27, 2019 at 1:18 AM David Blevins <>

> If you're looking for ways to contribute, a very very ... very major way
> is to help review PRs.
> We currently have 27 open PRs:
>  -
> You do not need special permission, authority or to be someone of "high
> regard" or any such nonsense to help review PRs.  Your very first
> contribution to the project could be to give another first contributor a
> bit of positive or constructive feedback in their PR.
> In an ideal world, this is exactly what happens.
> Think of how excited you get when you file your PR.  You may go back and
> click reload on the page all day and for the next two days till eventually
> you stop checking and just wait to be notified.
> You have the power to give other people that magical feeling of getting
> quick feedback over their hard work.
> Let's imagine two kinds of contributor and ask ourselves which is the more
> valuable person:
>  - Jane has reviewed 10 PRs
>  - Joe has submitted 10 PRs
> Jane is hands down more valuable and I would vote her into the project as
> committer far before Joe.  I would do that even if Jane did not have one
> commit of her own.
> Of course there are philosophical reasons such as Jane is showing she is
> concerned for others, wants to help new people and is overall focused on
> building the community around the project.  She is putting others above
> herself.
> But there is also math at play.  For every Joe you need a Jane or PRs
> don't get in.  In practice, Janes are in very short supply.  In our current
> state, there are 27 Joes and very few Janes.
> If you want to have a major impact in just an hour or two a week, your
> todo list is not JIRA, it's right here:
>  -
> --
> David Blevins

Richard Monson-Haefel

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