Disregard my previous email, looking more closely to the code it seems the
example include a mock version of the real endpoint

El vie., 28 jun. 2019 a las 11:47, Cesar Hernandez (<cesargu...@gmail.com>)

> Hi list,
> Currently, we have a nice example for mp-custom-healthcheck but digging
> into the tests, it seems the tests depends on an online service from
> http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/
> https://github.com/apache/tomee/blob/master/examples/mp-custom-healthcheck/src/test/java/org/superbiz/test/WeatherServiceTest.java#L74
> My two cents about this dependency is that it can produce at some point
> failing builds in our CI if the api.openweathermap.org is on mantainacne
> or there is some kind of dns isssue.
> My proposal is to:
> 1) Create a ticket to describe the problem
> 2) Include in the ticket a high-level alternative to don't depend on a
> third party endpoint. For example haveing two endpoints within the
> exzample, one alwasy resturning 200 and another one returning always a 401
> or any other != 200 http response code.
> What do you think?
> --
> Atentamente:
> César Hernández.

César Hernández.

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