Hola, Jorge!

We have a great variety of things that the project needs:

 - help organizing the documentation
 - examples translated to Spanish
 - new examples for various MicroProfile and Jakarta EE apis
 - help passing the Jakarta EE 8 and 9 TCKs
 - help helping people who ask how they can help :)

Happy to guide you into any of these directions or any other area you might be 
interested in.

Don't be discouraged by the time it took for you to get a response.  See it as 
a sign that we need so much help people barely have time to answer questions 
like this.  That's a sign of how much help we need and in an environment like 
that there are endless ways to have impact.

Thank you so much for showing interest!

David Blevins

> On Nov 25, 2020, at 8:47 AM, Jorge Luis Morales Reyes 
> <jorgeluismre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My name is Jorge Morales Reyes. I'm a Java Web Developer from Nicaragua.
> I would like to help in the Apache TomEE project.
> -- 
> *Jorge Luis Morales Reyes*
> -- Claro: 8925-8285
> -- Mov: 8552-3626

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