Wow, I did not expect to get an email like this so fast :)   It's awesome.

We build the ts.jte file dynamically in Groovy here:


That code is basically there to take this input file:


...and fill out any variables that would otherwise have to be hardcoded 
(versions in jar names, etc.).  Then it overrides the ts.jte file that comes 
with the TCK and that's the one that gets used.

That said, there are still some hardcoded jar names, but... more opportunities 
for contribution :)  We build other paths here:


So the short answer is we can either do the work in the 
file or build the right path in initPaths and make the generateTsJte function 
smart enough put it into the ts.jte.  Or some combination of both.

Side note: if you start digging into these groovy files and have an urge to 
refactor them go ahead :)  We actually grabbed this setup from Geronimo and 
it's only been minorly changed over the years.  Any kind of love is welcome.

David Blevins

> On Dec 8, 2020, at 3:48 PM, Thiago Henrique Hupner <> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I did some looking and most of the server push tests are failing because
> the TCK client is failing to startup correctly.
> This is happening because in the command line to run the client is not
> specified the flow.jar library that is included in the
> jakartaee-tck/endorsedlib/flow.jar.
> This jar has to be included in the java.endorsed.dirs property (but only
> for JDK 8) or with -Xbootclasspath/a flag(to run with JDK 8 or higher).
> I guess the change must be in the ts.jte, but I couldn't figure out where
> this file is in the current setup.
> Thanks

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