Hello all, hello (tired) David

I'm in favor of rolling a release (vote). Here's my „+1“.

Thx in advance to all contributors who made this great progress possible!


Am 01.05.2021 um 17:01 schrieb Daniel Dias Dos Santos 

Hello David,

I am in favor of releasing the vote, here's my +1

Em sex., 30 de abr. de 2021 às 22:32, David Blevins 

Heads up that we are narrowing in in the last few TCK issues and there is
still some chance we can be Jakarta EE 9.1 Web Profile certified in time
for the Jakarta EE 9.1 release vote Monday.

It would be super super and I mean *super* tight....

However, if we can get it done we'll need to do a release vote by no later
than Sunday afternoon and file our certification request.  We don't need to
have concluded our vote to make the Jakarta EE 9.1 release ballot, we just
need final binaries of our own to be at least in staging and in the process
of our own vote.

We do need that vote pass, however, so that would require some pragmatism
on all our parts.

For that reason I recommend we do not try to push out a 9.0.0 final, but
go ahead with 9.0.0-M7. If there are some issues with the binaries we put
up for vote, unless they are legal issues, we can still release them and
immediately fix the issues next week in a subsequent 8.0.8 and 9.0.0-M8.
There's no reason to "wait", we can simply release twice.  Version numbers
are free.

The Jakarta EE 9.1 release vote lasts for two weeks and an announcement
would happen some days after that.  Ff we did want to push out a 9.0.0 for
the announcement, we'd have at least till May 17th to do that, perhaps even
the 20th.

The reason we want to get certified in time for the ballot is recently
there was a change that implementations listed on the ballot get a special
place at the top of the specification page.  Any implementations that come
even one day later cannot be included and will not be accepted or given
special designation.  This lasts forever and is a permanent advantage to
those in the list.  It's also a permanent *disadvantage* to those not on
the list.  It's eat or be eaten.

So that's what we're going for:  A staged binary up for a vote here,
passing the TCK, in time to be listed on the Jakarta EE 9.1 release ballot


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