> On Mar 24, 2022, at 2:28 AM, Jean-Louis Monteiro <jlmonte...@tomitribe.com> 
> wrote:
> We can now divide and conquer. An issue has been created
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOMEE-3862
> We are going to add as many small tasks as possible so people can pick and
> contribute in parallel.

Thanks for that JIRA.  I saw an easy one I could do and went a head and knocked 
it out :)


That yanks 1 minute out of the build on my machine.


> On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 1:59 PM Jean-Louis Monteiro <
> jlmonte...@tomitribe.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been working for quite a long time on TomEE 9.x, and it's been more
>> challenging and painful than I was expecting. I thought it would be good to
>> give you some sort of status.
>> I created a PR for the work. As a reminder, since Java EE moved to Eclipse
>> to become Jakarta EE, we had a switch from javax.* namespace to jakarta.*
>> namespace. This is an impacting change, since all applications and
>> applications servers are built on top of it.
>> In TomEE, we decided to do that change in TomEE. We had previously a
>> bytecode change approach like an application could do. It worked and we
>> were able to get certified. But it had a lot of limitations, so we had to
>> do the migration in the code and fix all compatibility issues.
>> Here is the PR https://github.com/apache/tomee/pull/814
>> It has 90+ commits and nearly 5000 files touched (added, removed,
>> updated). I understand it's a lot and it makes it almost impossible to
>> review. But I did not see much approaches in this scenario to create
>> smaller PRs.
>> I created a Jenkins build though available at
>> https://ci-builds.apache.org/job/Tomee/job/master-build-quick-9.x/
>> It makes it possible to track the progress. There have been steps forward
>> and steps backward.
>> All the code does not sit under TomEE, we use a bunch of third party
>> projects and libraries. I have been able to contribute, publish jakarta
>> compatible versions and get releases for some of them (Jakarta EE APIs Uber
>> jar, Geronimo Connectors and Transaction Manager, Geronimo Config, Health,
>> Metrics, OpenTracing, OpenAPI. OpenJPA, BVal, and OpenWebBeans will be
>> released soon.
>> The big parts is CXF, and ActiveMQ. I had to get them done in TomEE and
>> update all group/artifact ids. It's under deps, alongside with SXC, DBCP,
>> and others.
>> In terms of removal, I tried to remove old stuff like SAAJ Axis 1
>> integration, JAX RPC, Management J2EE and a couple of other old things.
>> A lot of other libraries got updated to their latest version when
>> available in the new jakarta namespace.
>> I'm starting to get all the build stable and many modules are passing now,
>> including all CXF webservices, OpenEJB Core, and others. I can get a build
>> and run TomEE.
>> Goal is to get a green build asap so we can start working on TCK.
>> The "quick" build is now green. Working on the full build.
>> I'll soon be creating a branch for TomEE 8.x maintenance and merge the PR.
>> I'm hoping we can then have small PRs or at least more people working in
>> parallel.
>> --
>> Jean-Louis Monteiro
>> http://twitter.com/jlouismonteiro
>> http://www.tomitribe.com

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