Huh. That's new. btw, I don't think you can send images through the mailing list

I still think a project is overkill, as it depends on assigning things to people, tracking things that are "In Progress" and whatnot. It doesn't give you anything that a milestone wouldn't.

There's no reason a milestone must correspond to some release.

On 8/5/19 3:51 PM, Jeremy Mitchell wrote:
looks like a project "tracks absolute progress toward some goal". it's got a progress bar and everything:

> I wouldn't be opposed to creating a project as well, but I'm skeptical
that it would be used.

It would be used if you managed it and made sure it stayed up to date. You can also set up projects to auto-update. When you create the project, select the type. for example:

/Automated kanban
Kanban-style board with built-in triggers to automatically move issues and pull requests across To do, In progress and Done columns.

On Mon, Aug 5, 2019 at 3:20 PM ocket8888 < <>> wrote:

    A project is a way of organizing work by keeping track of who is
    on what and at what stage a particular part of the project is. A
    milestone tracks absolute progress toward some goal, which is all I'm
    seeking to accomplish.

    I wouldn't be opposed to creating a project as well, but I'm
    that it would be used.

    On 8/5/19 3:02 PM, Jeremy Mitchell wrote:
    > I've just always associated milestone with release for some
    > Feels like a "project" to me however. Oh look at that there was
    one for
    > this at one time:
    > On Mon, Aug 5, 2019 at 2:56 PM ocket8888 <
    <>> wrote:
    >> As far as I know, the only thing you get with a Milestone
    >> and by default) that doesn't come with a label is the ability
    to track
    >> progress towards reaching that milestone. Which I think is
    >> here - and is actually all of my motivation for suggesting a
    >> rather than a label. What "baggage" do you mean?
    >> On 8/5/19 2:52 PM, Chris Lemmons wrote:
    >>> I agree that separate tickets is ideal. Would a tag work for this
    >>> purpose? Milestones have other baggage that doesn't apply here.
    >>> On Mon, Aug 5, 2019 at 2:16 PM ocket 8888 <
    <>> wrote:
    >>>> Currently to see what endpoints are rewritten and which still
    need to be
    >>>> done, you need to check out this one, specific issue Rob made
    >> ago:
    >>>> I think it'd be better to give each endpoint its own Issue -
    only the
    >> ones
    >>>> that still need to be rewritten - and then link them all in a "Go
    >> Rewrite"
    >>>> milestone. It's much easier to organize. Then we can stop
    >> this
    >>>> list.
    >>>> I volunteer to comb through the list and figure out what
    >> actually
    >>>> are rewritten and do the work of creating issues for them,
    >> that's
    >>>> acceptable to everyone? I think we typically only use
    milestones for
    >>>> releases, so I thought I should check.

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