We used cwiki because GH wiki did not exist at the time.
I personally get the most value from the presentations that we have on our
wiki.  As long as we move those to GH wiki, I have no problem moving off of
We need to make sure we update our webpage (trafficcontrol.apache.org) and
docs as well.

On Tue, Aug 24, 2021 at 12:54 PM ocket 8888 <ocket8...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There are a lot of pages on the ATC Confluence wiki, many of which no
> longer appear to serve any purpose (e.g. Traffic Analytics) and/or have
> been superseded by blueprints (e.g. Specs/Layered Profiles). With the
> recent decision of the TC working group to host the meeting notes and
> agenda on the mailing list, the only parts of the wiki that are regularly
> updated won't be anymore.
> With that in mind, we discussed cleaning up the wiki by removing some
> outdated pages, moving feature definitions to blueprints (or removing said
> pages in favor of existing blueprints), and at a certain point we wondered
> what the purpose of Confluence even was anymore. There are pages there that
> aren't captured anywhere else and have good information, but they're not in
> the repository with the code, contribution guidelines, and documentation -
> but they could be.
> What if instead of using Confluence at all, we just switched to a GitHub
> wiki? That would allow non-committers to suggest edits (or even just make
> edits, depending on our settings), and in the porting process we could
> tease out the things that work better in other places (e.g. documentation,
> blueprints, etc.) and be left with a solid, small set of information that's
> easier to maintain, navigate, and hopefully read.
> Confluence is also somewhat frustrating to work with, especially for
> developers who are used to writing their documents in markup (which is what
> GitHub's wikis use, specifically Markdown) but on Confluence instead have
> to use a rich text editor with some annoying restrictions on nested
> formatting and the like, and is missing some features like code
> highlighting.
> For this thread I'd like to just focus on that idea of using the GH wiki
> system; for actually cleaning up pages we'd probably want to do a PR and
> then bring that back to the list so that when discussing it we could
> actually see that the information was getting properly transferred
> accurately and in its entirety.

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